Daniel Lindenberg Badke

The question that I have for you is the same one that I have been asking myself:
what quality have you been making your choices?
Because our contemporary adult life - personal and in organizations - implies choices that are increasingly complex, ambiguous, contradictory, multifaceted, full of paradoxes in a reality that manifests itself in fractals.
My intention is that my choices are made from a place of broader consciousness -from where one can sustain different possibilities, views, perspectives, and in consideration of the mystery of existence.
Over the last 25 years I have played a pioneering role in applying the use of information technology as a basis for developing business in Brazilian and international entrepreneurship.
I contributed to the successful launch UOL and StarMedia - both of which went public. Building from that success I then founded my own initiatives: M2G, PossoAjudar?, Dr.Vem! and DocBot.
A few years ago, I realized that it was time to respond to a call that was made to me almost two decades ago: One day a very clear thought crossed my path:
"I want to know my essence, to know who I really am. To know my soul!"
Since then, this inward look has been expanding and has taken me along paths of vertical human development through Ken Wilber's Integral Approach, Otto Scharmer's Theory U, among others, and through training such as CMI - MetaIntegral Certification, with Marcelo Cardoso, The Path of Vertical Leadership, with Jesse McKay and Master Purpose Program, with Thiago Maciel.
Now this work is intensifying and, with the soul more and more present, new ventures are being born in different formats of service.